Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Face-mounted Lucid Dreaming Mask

This one's almost too straight out of a cyberpunk story to actually be believable. Some kid has designed, built, and put up a how-to on a device that causes its wearer to have lucid dreams:

"When I first started reading about lucid dreaming, I found that some companies had created expensive pieces of technology aimed at increasing your likelihood of having a lucid dream when you wear it to sleep. I wanted one, but at the price of $200 they did not look so promising.

Thus, I decided to go in search of how to make my own lucid dreaming mask."

Basically, the device is a bit of headgear that keeps a pair of LEDs pointed right at your eyes. Its PIC waits a few hours after you've fallen asleep and then starts flashing the lights rhythmically. The idea is to wake you up just enough to give you control of the dream.

Great use of just a tiny little bit of tech to accomplish a good lump of self-experimentation.

(via Make)


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